Submission deadline: May 1, 2022
Acceptance notification: Abstracts are reviewed as they are submitted, and authors will be notified of acceptance within 48 hours of submission.
Workshop date: June 20, 2022
Submission email:
Dr Emma Forsgren, Leeds University Business School, Leeds, UK.
Dr Emma Gritt, Leeds University Business School, Leeds, UK.
Prof. Dr Lisa Giermindl, University of Applied Sciences St.Gallen, Switzerland,
Dr Helena Vallo Hult, University West and NU Hospital Group,
This full day workshop will include a combination of presentations by participants, panel discussions and a keynote speaker.
Participants are invited to submit an extended abstract of 500 words focusing on one of five themes listed, or other topics related to the workshop subject area.
The extended abstract could describe completed, ongoing or planned research related to the themes and may also be conceptual.
Accepted abstracts will be presented at the workshop.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers with an interest in critical and ethical challenges associated with social media and digital platforms. The purpose is to further our understanding of the negative effects and unintended consequences of social media. The integration of social media into everyday life and work have fundamentally changed the social practices and dynamics of how people produce and share knowledge in novel ways, as well as connect with each other across boundaries (e.g. Leonardi & Vaast, 2017). However, whilst previous literature has built up a strong sense for the opportunities that emerge from interaction in these platforms, e.g. increasing innovation (Bhimani et al., 2019), employee efficiency and performance (Kane, 2015; Sykes et al., 2014), collaboration and teamwork (Beck et al. 2014; Forsgren & Byström 2017; Kudaravalli et al., 2017; Safadi et al., 2020) in private and public organisations, the negative effects of these digital technologies have received far less attention. Therefore, we believe there is a pressing need for critical research beyond the dominant discourse (Giermindl et al., 2017; Wynn & Vallo Hult 2019). As Stein and colleagues (2016, p.12) state, the field of IS needs “a space (such as at ECIS) for more critical, reflexive questioning of the topics and methods of IS research”. Therefore, whilst social media have been portrayed as democratic processes and ideology of empowerment and expression, recent incidents have underpinned how social media can also be used in damaging ways, leading to harmful consequences on people’s lives, work and for the wider society (Baccarella et al., 2018; Fuchs, 2017; Sun et al., 2021; Zuboff, 2019). For instance, Covid-19 has highlighted an environment where misinformation can spread rapidly through social media, which potentially impacts people’s attitudes and behaviours towards the pandemic and vaccinations (Laato et al., 2020). The pandemic has also created a space where new work practices are emerging leading to more hybrid forms of work and use of digital platforms (Richter, 2020). As digital technologies and social media become increasingly important for work, there is a potential for such technologies to be used as surveillance and monitoring of employees (Lukacs, 2017; Taylor & Dobbins, 2021). This has led to some scholars suggesting that “the dark underbelly of technology has never been so exposed” (Hassan et al., 2018, p.264). As researchers of information systems and related areas, it is our responsibility to engage in questions that examine what makes work, life and society better (Adler, 2010), but likewise study what does not, and in doing so, reveal the harmful effects.
The workshop has three main goals: (1) To establish an informal community of scholars interested in critical perspectives and their contribution to the study of social media and digital platforms; (2) To learn about each other’s ongoing research projects, and gain an understanding of the critical approaches undertaken at present; (3) To explore future directions and set out a research agenda, including the methodological and theoretical approaches that could be useful in doing so.
Possible themes about social media and digital platforms include but are not limited to:
Adler, P. (2010). Marx and Organization Studies Today, In A. Adler (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Organization Studies (pp. 62-91). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Baccarella, C. V., Wagner, T. F., Kietzmann, J. H., & McCarthy, I. P. (2018). Social media? It’s serious! Understanding the dark side of social media. European Management Journal, 36(4), 431-438. Beck, R., Pahlke, I., & Seebach, C. (2014). Knowledge exchange and symbolic action in social media-enabled electronic networks of practice: A multilevel perspective on knowledge seekers and contributors. MIS quarterly, 38(4), 1245-1270.
Bhimani, H., Mention, A. L., & Barlatier, P. J. (2019). Social media and innovation: A systematic literature review and future research directions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 144, 251-269. Forsgren, E., & Byström, K. (2017). Multiple social media in the workplace: contradictions and congruencies. Information Systems Journal, 28(3), 442-464.
Fuchs, C. (2017). Social Media: A Critical Introduction (2nd edition). London: Sage.
Gibbs, J. L., Rozaidi, N. A., & Eisenberg, J. (2013). Overcoming the ‘Ideology of Openness’: Probing the affordances of social media for organizational knowledge sharing. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 19(1), 102-120.
Giermindl, L., Strich, F., & Fiedler, M. (2017), “Why do you NOT use the Enterprise Social Network? Analyzing Non users reason through the lens of Affordances” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Seoul, South Korea
Hassan, N.R., Mingers, J., & Stahl, B. (2018). Philosophy and information systems: where are we and where should we go? European Journal of Information Systems, 27(3), 263-277.
Kane, G.C. (2015). Enterprise social media: Current capabilities and future possibilities. MIS Quarterly Executive, 14(1).
Kudaravalli, S., Faraj, S., & Johnson, S. L. (2017). A configural approach to coordinating expertise in software development teams. MIS Quarterly, 41(1), 43-64.
Laato, S,. Najmul Islam, A.N,. Islam, M.N,. & Whelan, E. (2020). What drives unverified information sharing and cyberchondria during the COVID-19 pandemic?, European Journal of Information Systems, 29(3) 288-305. Leonardi, P. & Vaast, E., (2017), Social Media and Their Affordances for Organizing: A Review and Agenda for Research, Academy of Management Annals, 11(1), 150-188.
Lukacs, A. (2017). To post, or not to post–that is the question: Employee monitoring and employees’ right to data protection. Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, 11(2), 185-214
Richter, A. (2020), Locked-down digital work. International Journal of Information Management, 55, 1021573. Safadi. H., Johnson, S. L. & Faraj, S. (2020). Core-Periphery Tension in Online Innovation Communities. Organization Studies, 32(1).
Stein, M., Galliers, R, D. & Whitley, E, A. (2014). Twenty years of the European information systems academy at ECIS: emergent trends and research topics. European Journal of Information Systems, 25(1), 1-15. Sun, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, J. Z., Fu, J., Hu, F., Xiang, Y., & Sun, Q. (2021). Dark side of enterprise social media usage: A literature review from the conflict-based perspective. International Journal of Information Management, 61, 102393.
Sykes, T.A., Venkatesh, V. & Johnson, J.L. (2014). Enterprise system implementation and employee job performance: Understanding the role of advice networks. MIS Quarterly, 38(1).
Taylor, C., & Dobbins, T. (2021). Social Media: A (new) contested terrain between sousveillance and surveillance in the digital workplace. New Technology, Work and Employment, 36(3), 263-284.
Wynn, E., & Vallo Hult, H. (2019). Qualitative and Critical Research in Information Systems and Human-Computer Interaction: Divergent and Convergent Paths. Foundations and Trends in Information Systems, 3(1–2), 1- 233.
Zuboff, S. (2019). The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. London: Profile Books