Timisoara, 18-24 June

ECIS 2022 - New Horizons in Digitally United Societies

ECIS 2022 Best Papers awards

ECIS 2022 has three categories for best paper awards, which are (1) Best Paper award for the Best Full Paper; (2) Best Paper award for the Best Research in Progress paper, and (3) the Ciborra award, in remembrance of Claudio Ciborra, for the most innovative paper.

The nominations in each category have been proposed by track chairs to the program chairs, who then reduced them to a short list in each category (papers having bold titles are the finalists). The award winners will be announced at the conference dinner on June 23.

Best Paper Nominations: Full papers

  1. Power dynamics as embedded in the enactment of technological change practices

by Basmah Alsaedi (Warwick Business School), Sue Newell (Warwick Business School), Manos Gkeredakis (IESE Business School)

  1. Collaborative mechanisms for big data analytics projects: Building bridges over troubled waters

by Janine Hagen (LMU Munich School of Management), Jacqueline-Amadea Pély (LMU Munich School of Management), Thomas Hess (LMU Munich School of Management)

  1. Leading in the digital age: A systematic review on leader traits in the context of e-leadership

by Christian Tuschner (University of Koblenz-Landau), Jeanine Krath (University of Koblenz-Landau), Jan Bings (University of Koblenz-Landau), Marvin Schwenkmezger (University of Koblenz-Landau), Manuel Etzkorn (University of Koblenz-Landau), Harald F. O. von Korflesch (University of Koblenz-Landau)

  1. Working Remotely, But Not Remotely Stress-Free: Identifying Technostressors in and Design Principles for Collaboration Systems

by Annika Reinelt (Technical University of Darmstadt), Alexander Benlian (Technical University of Darmstadt)

  1. Digital nudging to promote energy conservation behavior: Framing and default rules in a smart home app

by Michelle Berger (University of Augsburg), Elias Greinacher (FIM Research Center, Fraunhofer FIT), Linda Wolf (FIM Research Center, Fraunhofer FIT)

  1. Where was COVID-19 first discovered? Designing a question-answering system for pandemic situations

by Johannes Graf (Technische Universität Dresden), Gino Lancho (Technische Universität Dresden), Patrick Zschech (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Kai Heinrich (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg)

  1. Social Justice v. Technical Efficiency: The Role of Digital Technology in Boston’s 311 System

by Ping Wang (University of Maryland), Myeong Lee (George Mason University), Forrest Hangen (Northeastern University Boston), Daniel T O’Brien (Northeastern University Boston), Xinlin Tang (Florida State University)

  1. What facilitates consumers accepting service robots? A conceptual framework

by Yanqing Lin (Aalto University School of Business)

  1. Supporting the Billing Process in Outpatient Medical Care: Automated Medical Coding Through Machine Learning

by Luis (University of Mannheim), Nikola Finze (DaWaVision GmbH), Philipp Hoffmann (University of Mannheim), Armin Heinzl (University of Mannheim)

  1. Hybrid use of automation and augmentation in introducing AI applications for artistic gymnastics

by Elena Mazurova (Aalto Business School)

Best Paper Nominations: Research in Progress (RiP) paper

  1. Conceptualization and Design of a Workflow Management System Front End for Augmented Reality Headsets

by Johannes Damarowsky (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg), Stephan Kühnel (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)

  1. Controlling Your Own Story Using a Digital Identity Solution: Creation Of Economic Identity for Financial Inclusion and Protection

by Eric Lim (UNSW Sydney), Felix Tan (University of New South Wales), Chona Ryan (UNSW Sydney)

  1. Rethinking consumers: data sharing decisions with the emergence of multi-party computation: an experimental design for evaluation

by Wirawan Agahari (Delft University of Technology), Mark de Reuver (Delft University of Technology)

  1. Trust Me, I’m an Influencer! – A Comparison of Perceived Trust in Human and Virtual Influencers

by Lennart Hofeditz (University of Duisburg-Essen), Anika Nissen (University Duisburg-Essen), Reinhard Schütte (University Duisburg-Essen), Milad Mirbabaie (Paderborn University)

  1. Can ICT enhance workplace inclusion? The role of ICT enabled inclusion practices

by Monideepa Tarafdar (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Irina Rets (Lancaser University), Yang Hu (Lancaser University)

  1. Media framing of cybercrime: Improving victims’ reporting rates

by Lena Yuryna Connolly (Zayed University), Danica Čigoja (Zayed University)

  1. Overcoming Silos: A review of Business Model modelling languages for Business Eosystems

by Christian Vorbohle (Paderborn University), Dennis Kundisch (Paderborn University)

  1. Blockchain-based Financial Infrastructure for Emerging Economies

by Johannes Rude Jensen (University of Copenhagen), Victor von Wachter (University of Copenhagen), Omri Ross (University of Copenhagen)

  1. On the Influence of Explainable AI on Automation Bias

by Max Schemmer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Niklas Kuehl (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Carina Benz (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Gerhard Satzger (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Best Paper Nominations: Ciborra award

  1. Understanding ethics and human factors in the metaverse: An autonomous driving experiment

by Dominik Augenstein (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg), Benedikt Morschheuser (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg)

  1. Decision rights decentralization in de-fi platforms

by Maxwell C Burda (Copenhagen Business School), Maximilian P.M.P. Locca (Copenhagen Business School), Kalina Staykova (Warwick Business School)

  1. A Delphi study of obsolete assumptions in free/libre and open source software

by Patrick Marois (Université Laval), Josianne Marsan (Université Laval),  Kevin Carillo (Toulouse Business School), Klaas-Jan Stol (University College Cork), Brian Fitzgerald (University of Limerick)

  1. Counting on Guanxi when transacting millions? Hybrid Guanxi under digital transformation

by Tong Li (The University of Warwick), Yuval Millo (The University of Warwick), Markos Zachariadis (University of Manchester)

  1. Sustainability vs. Price: Analysis of Electric Multi-Modal Vehicle Sharing Systems under Substitution Effects

by Muhammed Demircan (University of Cologne), Ramin Ahadi (University of Cologne), Wolfgang Ketter (University of Cologne)


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The 30th European Conference on Information Systems

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